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Breathing Easy: Solving Sinus Problems Can Improve Your Quality Of Life

February 1, 2024

Breathing Easy: Solving Sinus Problems Can Improve Your Quality Of Life Have you ever been stuck in a constant cycle of sinus problems, cold symptoms and antibiotics – but couldn’t find real, long-lasting relief? Rick Basala knew that miserable feeling.…

Feel Your Best in the New Year: How to Take Control of Your Gut Health

December 21, 2023

New year, new you! Many people use January as a time to reset and introduce some healthy habits, especially after the decadence of the holiday season. But if you’ve tried it all and you still don’t feel quite right, it…

Less Pain, Faster Recovery: Quad Cities’ Total Joint Surgery Transformed by Certified Experts Utilizing Mako SmartRobotics™

November 16, 2023

When patients move easier, with less pain and can return to their favorite activities – it’s nothing short of lifechanging. These transformative success stories have become the standard for total joint surgeons at Orthopaedic Specialists located on Dexter Court in…

An Expert Look at Health for Couples Hoping to Conceive

October 27, 2023

Frequently Asked Questions on Fertility and Reproductive Health: An Expert Look at Health for Couples Hoping to Conceive Kourtney Kardashian. Paris Hilton. Chrissy Teigen. All A-list women who’ve been open about their fertility and pregnancy journeys. While their stories are…

Scoping Out Solutions: Utilizing Investments in Technology to Improve Outcomes for Patients with Hip Pain

October 10, 2023

When you think about sports-related injuries, knees and shoulders may come to mind first. But for many athletes – specifically those who play football, hockey, soccer or dance – issues often arise in the hip joints after years of repetitive…

A Better Way to Manage Pain

September 7, 2023

Chronic pain – a not-so-uncommon issue that can make daily activities nearly unbearable. While occasional, short-term pain is standard and typically easy to treat on your own, chronic pain persists – firing signals in the nervous system for weeks, months…

Communication and Education: A Patient’s Guide to Outpatient Procedures

July 31, 2023

Scheduling, planning and preparing for a surgical procedure can be nerve-wracking and intimidating. That’s true of simple procedures, like a child getting their tonsils out, as well as more complex surgeries like a total joint replacement. By the time a…

Pain Management and Anesthesiology

June 14, 2023

Successful outpatient procedures rely on compassionate care and expertise of certified registered nurse anesthetists. Anesthesia plays a crucial role in every outpatient surgery. While that may seem obvious, there’s more that goes into anesthesia than just putting a patient to…

Going With Your Gut

June 6, 2023

Improving your gut-brain connection with certified experts Did you know: the nervous system that regulates our gut is often called the body’s second brain? With a network using the same chemicals as the brain, a healthy gut turns food into…

Celebrating National Nurses Week

April 18, 2023

Get to know two of the faces behind Mississippi Valley Surgery and Endoscopy Center’s confident patient care When patients come in for surgery, there are a lot of nerves. From the first greeting at the front desk to the surgical…

Is your digestive tract on track?

March 14, 2023

A closer look at the importance of gut health during IBS Awareness Month There are so many things in life we plan and prepare for – but when is the last time you took a good look at your gut…

Simple Screening, Saved Lives

March 7, 2023

Recognizing Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month There are so many simple safety precautions we take in life. Things like wearing a seatbelt, putting on sunscreen or even checking both ways before you cross the street are seemingly small steps to take,…